Welcome...to finding your "missing piece"

Alexander Jamieson D.Hyp, PDCHyp, PDCBHyp, MBSCH |
'IT' is bothering you, spoiling your peace of mind. How
can you enjoy life when 'IT' is always there? The problem is that you do not know how to solve 'IT'.
Maybe I can help, call me, lets talk and find a way to get rid of 'IT'. A new happier you can be a reality sooner
than you might think possible!
Thank you for visiting the Site of Alexander Michael Jamieson, Clinical
Hypnotherapist, Cognitive Behaviour Hypnotherapist and Reiki Healer. You are probably wondering what to expect when
you arrive for your first session. Will it be as you have seen on TV and in films? The answer is No, hypnosis is
rarely portrayed accurately and frequently misleads. You are not in a type of coma and unable to resist his every
suggestion. The reality is that you are in control and can not be forced to do, or say anything that you do not want
to. You are the driver and he is the navigator, directions will be given which you can accept or refuse.
A common fear is that under hypnosis a person could be made to reveal personal details that they would rather keep secret,
but again this is not possible. If it were, the police would be the keenest students of hypnosis. It is
a fact that nobody can be hypnotised against their will. Hypnotherapy is actually a state of purposeful co-operation
between the therapist and client, to obtain a specific result, agreed upon beforehand.
Clients worry about their
level of trance, did they go deep enough? or they didn't feel as if they had gone 'under'. You do not go
'under', hypnosis is not a general anaesthetic, but you will be relaxed with eyes closed, just listening to the sound
of his voice. This enables him to access your subconscious mind which is where your problem is stored.
You went into a trance when you drove home and could not remember the journey. Hypnotic sleep is not the same as sleep
when you go to bed at night, it is more like day dreaming. You are awake and aware-but somehow not quite there!
The concern that you might not be able to come out of trance is unfounded. This does not happen, but even if it did,
the trance would eventually turn into sleep, which the client would awaken from.
The session starts by taking a
confidential case history where your problem is carefully analysed and then the best type of treatment
for you is discussed. It is tailored therapy as every individual is different, even if presenting with the same concern. A variety of techniques can be used, so he will select the most suitable for the client. Some problems can
be dealt with in one or two sessions, some take longer. The wonderful thing about hypnosis is that the treatment is rapid
because it allows the therapist to access the subconscious mind, which is where the problem is located. Clinical Hypnotherapy
means using hypnosis to treat a variety of medical and psychological problems. It does not usually deal with problems
that have an organic origin, but those that are due to emotional and psychological sources. Cognitive Behaviour Hypnosis,
is CBT with hypnosis, which means that results are delivered more quickly, thus less sessions, thus less cost to the client.
When carried out by a professionally trained and skilled hypnotherapist, the benefits are usually long lasting and often permanent.
It is completely natural and safe, with no harmful side effects.
The main criterion is that the cause of the presenting
problem lies within the unconscious mind, often due to a traumatic 'seeding' event or to unintentional behavioural
conditioning in early years.
It is interesting to note that the unconscious mind always acts in such a way that
it attempts to protect and preserve the individual and many fears/phobias have at their root a form of exaggerated self-preservation.
Unfortunately, these can become over exaggerated and generalised over time, to the point where they begin to restrict a normal
and healthy life.